Born in Austin, Texas, Greg “G” Curtis II is a singer, actor, and songwriter. If asked if he had to pick just one field to focus on, G would simply respond: “Impossible”. This passion and motivation is what fuels the entertainment machine that is G Curtis. G dove into the music scene at a tender age. Growing up in a musically gifted household, his father Greg Curtis Sr., a Grammy winning songwriter/producer exposed him to every genre of music available. It is with his talented ear for sound that was bestowed upon him so young, that G Curtis is now able to craft the melodies that have already begun to blast him into the realms of critical acclaim. While his father fine tuned his listening and writing skills, his mother was hard at work giving G all the vocal knowledge she had from her background as a singer.

In his teenage years, G found himself at age 17, on the brink of stardom on the radar of A&R scouts at Hollywood Records, an entity of The Walt Disney Corporation.

He has currently been a Singer/Actor for the CW hit show OH SIT. (2012)

-G has Written/Produced/Performed songs for over 20 Major Network Television Shows ( CW, BET ,ABC Family, USA , Nickelodeon , Disney.

-G has Gone on 2 Live Nation House of Blues Tours with RCA recording artist SAM ADAMS with their MTV and iTunes Charted Hit "Still i rise"(2010)

-The Swedish Idol Last 7 (2017)

-Songs written for Diplo Artist "LIZ" (2013)

-Songs for Kevin Harts TV hit series Real Husbands of Hollywood (2011)

-Written and Singing Billboard Charted hit " Certified Freak " With Baby Bash. (2014)

-G's own early Two Albums "Falling up" and " Maximun Volume" which you can find on any music platform. (2011)

- 4 new releases as a feature with 3 swedish dj's "Wahlstedt" , "Lucas Estrada" , "Hogland" (2017)

- Grammy Considered for writing and featuring on Rapper Moe Ager “Far From Home,“ with LP

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